Make your team thrive & your projects succeed
Accountability & Project Management Platform built around your team's mental health and your clients happiness. Meet the 10 timeblock week.

Last week I had prepared myself mentally for it to not be as productive as it normally would be, because my sister, nephew and niece stayed over for 4 days. I think it was good to write it down on my weekly reflection because it helped a lot. But I still had small glimps of feelings that I "jeopardized" the projects future because I "wasted" so much time. But I tried to push those thoughts away right away, because what is a small week in the big picture? I just have to grind extra hard this week 😎
On a positive note: I had planned to optimize the ux on the timeblock popup, and really like the solution I found! Will optimize it later, but it's not that important for now.
This week I'll focus on the landingpage, waitlist email collection and generally learn about marketing.

Last week I had prepared myself mentally for it to not be as productive as it normally would be, because my sister, nephew and niece stayed over for 4 days. I think it was good to write it down on my weekly reflection because it helped a lot. But I still had small glimps of feelings that I "jeopardized" the projects future because I "wasted" so much time. But I tried to push those thoughts away right away, because what is a small week in the big picture? I just have to grind extra hard this week 😎
On a positive note: I had planned to optimize the ux on the timeblock popup, and really like the solution I found! Will optimize it later, but it's not that important for now.
This week I'll focus on the landingpage, waitlist email collection and generally learn about marketing.

Last week I had prepared myself mentally for it to not be as productive as it normally would be, because my sister, nephew and niece stayed over for 4 days. I think it was good to write it down on my weekly reflection because it helped a lot. But I still had small glimps of feelings that I "jeopardized" the projects future because I "wasted" so much time. But I tried to push those thoughts away right away, because what is a small week in the big picture? I just have to grind extra hard this week 😎
On a positive note: I had planned to optimize the ux on the timeblock popup, and really like the solution I found! Will optimize it later, but it's not that important for now.
This week I'll focus on the landingpage, waitlist email collection and generally learn about marketing.

Last week I had prepared myself mentally for it to not be as productive as it normally would be, because my sister, nephew and niece stayed over for 4 days. I think it was good to write it down on my weekly reflection because it helped a lot. But I still had small glimps of feelings that I "jeopardized" the projects future because I "wasted" so much time. But I tried to push those thoughts away right away, because what is a small week in the big picture? I just have to grind extra hard this week 😎
On a positive note: I had planned to optimize the ux on the timeblock popup, and really like the solution I found! Will optimize it later, but it's not that important for now.
This week I'll focus on the landingpage, waitlist email collection and generally learn about marketing.
Subject: Monday Status Mail
Dear ,
Last week we didn't finish all of our planned timeblocks. Nothing major and I'm confident we'll keep the deadline as we've added an ekstra block this week to keep up.
Last week
- ✓ API for product quantity
- ✗ Show best discount
- ✓ Multiple long html text blocks
- ...
This week
- • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
- • Vestibulum id justo velit
- • Mauris sit amet venenatis ex donec imperdiet
- ...
Easier for you, your team and your clients to understand what's going on.
Something happens when we start talking in timeblocks (3-4 hour blocks). It's easier to imagine if a task is maneagable when there's a fixed timeframe. And not only for ourselves but our colleagues as well. With only 10 timeblocks, your team can quickly run through their week and give feedback.
We are notoriously bad at estimating tasks.
We estimate our time based on the perfect workday with no interruption and constant flow state. But life is not like that. We have meetings, emails to respond to, colleagues to help, table tennis, coffee breaks, toilet breaks, more meetings, more coffee etc.
So we end up underestimating. Our week will feel like there's not enough time. We don't engage in meetings because we don't have time to be there. We might cut corners. We might blame others. And over a long period of time, it can turn into stress.